16 minute read

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Last week, I passed the Databricks Data Engineer Professional exam, and I wanted to share my preparation notes and the resources I used. I hope this will give you a better idea of which resources to use and what to focus on during your exam preparation.

The main resources I used:

Additional resources:

If you have any additional questions and suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I wish you all the best on the exam and I’m sure you’ll do great! 🥳 🎉


  • When performing stream-stream join, Spark buffers past inputs as a streaming state for both input streams, so that it can match every future input with past inputs. This state can be limited by using watermarks.
  • Streaming deduplication - we can use dropDuplicates() to eliminate duplicate records within each new micro batch. In addition, we need to ensure that records to be inserted are not already in the target table. We can achieve this using insert-only merge.
  • Non-time-based window operations are not supported on streaming DataFrames.
  • You should never have two streaming queries use the same checkpoint location and run at the same time.
  • Streaming workloads using the continuous trigger have the following benefits:
    • Prevent more than one concurrent run of the job
    • Start a new run when a previous run fails
    • Use exponential backoff for task retries
  • Watermarking in Structured Streaming is a way to limit state in all stateful streaming operations by specifying how much late data to consider. Specifically, a watermark is a moving threshold in event-time that trails behind the maximum event-time seen by the query in the processed data. The trailing gap (aka watermark delay) defines how long should the engine wait for late data to arrive and is specified in the query using withWatermark.
  • Stream-static joins are stateless. In stream-static join, the streaming portion of this join drives the join process. So, only new data appearing on the streaming side of the join will trigger the processing. Adding new records into the static table will not automatically trigger updates to the results of the stream-static join.

  • Stream-steam joins are stateful. Databricks recommends specifying watermarks for both sides of all stream-stream joins.
from pyspark.sql.functions import expr

# Define watermarks
impressionsWithWatermark = impressions \
  .selectExpr("adId AS impressionAdId", "impressionTime") \
  .withWatermark("impressionTime", "10 seconds ")
clicksWithWatermark = clicks \
  .selectExpr("adId AS clickAdId", "clickTime") \
  .withWatermark("clickTime", "20 seconds")

# Inner join with time range conditions
      clickAdId = impressionAdId AND 
      clickTime >= impressionTime AND 
      clickTime <= impressionTime + interval 1 minutes    
  • Deleting data from a streaming source table breaks the append-only requirement of streaming sources! To avoid this, you can use the ignoreDeletes option when streaming from this table. This option enables stream processing from Delta tables with partition deletes. Use .option("ignoreDeletes", True).
  • When updating the schema of a streaming job by adding new fields, it’s important to use a new checkpoint location. This is because the existing checkpoint location is tied to the old schema, and adding a new field could lead to schema mismatch issues.
  • Structured Streaming provides exactly-once processing guarantees, but does not automatically deduplicate records from data sources. You can use dropDuplicatesWithinWatermark to deduplicate records on any specified field, allowing you to remove duplicates from a stream even if some fields differ (such as event time or arrival time).

Delta Table

  • The Delta Lake VACUUM function skips any directories that begin with _. You can safely store checkpoints alongside other data and metadata for a Delta Table using a directory structure such as <table_name>/_checkpoints.
  • Cloning can occur incrementally. Executing CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <table> DEEP CLONE <table> can sync changes from the source to the target destination.
  • In the Transaction log, Delta Lake captures statistics for each data file of the table. Total number of records, min/max/null value counts for each column of the first 32 columns of the table.
  • VACUUM removes data files no longer referenced by a Delta table if they are older than the retention threshold, which is 7 days by default.
  • Merge operation cannot be performed if multiple source rows matched and attempted to modify the same target row in the table. The result may be ambiguous as it is unclear which source row should be used to update or delete the matching target row.
  • Delta Lake does not enforce foreign key constraints across tables. Therefore, the data engineer needs to be aware that Databricks does not automatically enforce referential integrity between tables through foreign key constraints, and it becomes the responsibility of the data engineer to manage these relationships appropriately.
  • The following types of schema changes are eligible for schema evolution during table appends or overwrites. For these we use .option('mergeSchema', 'true') on write and writeStream.
    • Adding new columns - most common scenario
    • Changing of data type from NullType -> any other type, or upcasts from ByteType -> ShortType -> IntegerType
  • The following changes are not eligible for schema evolution require that the schema and data are overwritten by adding .option('overwriteSchema', 'true'), these changes include:
    • Dropping a column
    • Changing an existing column’s data type
    • Renaming column names that differ only by case e.g. ‘Foo’ and ‘foo’
  • Table history retention is determined by the table setting delta.logRetentionDuration, which is 30 days by default.
  • Constraints - Databricks supports standard SQL constraint management clauses. Constraints fall into two categories:
    • Informational primary key and foreign key constraints encode relationships between fields in tables and are not enforced.
    • Enforced constraints ensure that the quality and integrity of data added to a table is automatically verified.
      • NOT NULL - indicates that values in specific columns cannot be null.
      • CHECK - indicates that a specified boolean expression must be true for each input row.
  • Slowly Changing Dimensions - SCD types:
    • Type 0 - Fixed Dimension - In the case of Type 0 dimensions, there are no changes whatsoever. The primary uses for static data are when the data does not change over time, for example; states, zip codes, county codes, SSN, and date of birth etc.
    • Type 1 - Overwrite - For changes in Type 1 dimensions; overwriting is used where the new value simply replaces the old value that was already stored.
    • Type 2 - Add New Row - Used to track historical changes in dimension data by creating a new record whenever a change occurs, preserving the previous records. This method ensures a complete history of data changes over time, typically by using versioning, effective dates, or flags to differentiate between current and past records.
    • Type 3 - Add New Column - Tracks limited historical changes in dimension data by storing the previous value along with the current value in the same record, often using additional columns. This method is useful when only the most recent change history is needed, rather than maintaining a complete change history like in SCD Type 2.
    • Type 4 - History Table - manages historical data by maintaining two separate tables: one for current dimension data and another for historical changes. This approach allows for efficient querying of both current and historical records while keeping the main dimension table optimized for performance.


  • Broadcast Join is an optimization technique used in the Spark SQL engine. It is utilized when one of the DataFrames is small enough to be stored in the memory of all executor nodes. This technique greatly improves the performance of join operations by minimazing data shuffling across the network. Broadcast join is especially advantageous when working with large datasets and can significantly decrease the query execution time. Use pyspark.sql.functions.broadcast to mark a DataFrame as small enough for use in broadcast joins.
  • Databricks recommends setting the table property delta.tuneFileSizeForRewrites to true for all tables that are targeted by many MERGE and DML operations regardless of DBR, UC or other optimizations. When set to true the target file size for the table is set to a much lower threshold which accelerates write-intensive operations.
  • For complex ETL jobs, such as those that require UNIONs and JOINs across multiple tables, Databricks recommends using fewer workers to reduce the amount of data shuffled. To compensate for having fewer workers, increase the size of your instance.
  • Push-down predicate is a query optimization technique which enables developers to filter data at the data source, reducing the amount of data transmitted and processed. Predicate is in the WHERE clause of a query. The term predicate push-down comes from the fact that you are hinting the scan operator with the predicate that is going to be used to filter the rows of interest.
  • Optimized Writes - improve file size as data is written and benefit subsequent reads on the table. Optimized writes are most effective for partitioned tables, as they reduce the number of small files written to each partition. Writing fewer large files is more efficient than writing many small files, but you might still see an increase in write latency because data is shuffled before being written.
  • Auto compaction - combines small files within Delta table partitions to automatically reduce small file problems. It occurs after a write to a table has succeeded and runs synchronously on the cluster that has performed the write. You can control the output file size by setting spark.databricks.delta.autoCompact.maxFileSize. Databricks recommend using autotuning based on workload or table size. Auto compaction is only triggered for partitions or tables that have at least a certain number of small files. You can change the minimum number of files by setting spark.databricks.delta.autoCompact.minNumFiles.

Change Data Feed

  • Databricks recommends using change data feed in combination with Structured Streaming to incrementally process changes from Delta tables.
  • Enabling CDF causes a small increase in storage costs for a table.
  • Databricks records change data for UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE operations in the _change_data folder under the table directory.
  • The files in the _change_data folder follow the retention policy of the table. CDF data is deleted when the VACUUM command runs.
  • Set the option readChangeFeed to true when configuring a stream against a table to read the change data feed, as shown in the following syntax example:
  .option("readChangeFeed", "true")
  • Default behavior, the first batch is processed when the stream first records all existing records in the table as INSERT operations in the change data feed. If your target table already contains all the records with appropriate changes up to a certain point, specify a starting version to avoid processing the source table state as INSERT events.
  .option("readChangeFeed", "true")
  .option("startingVersion", 76)
  • You can use batch query syntax to read all changes starting from a particular version or to read changes within a specified range of versions. The following syntax examples demonstrate using starting and ending version options with batch reads:
-- version as ints or longs e.g. changes from version 0 to 10
SELECT * FROM table_changes('tableName', 0, 10)

-- timestamp as string formatted timestamps
SELECT * FROM table_changes('tableName', '2021-04-21 05:45:46', '2021-05-21 12:00:00')

-- providing only the startingVersion/timestamp
SELECT * FROM table_changes('tableName', 0)

-- database/schema names inside the string for table name, with backticks for escaping dots and special characters
SELECT * FROM table_changes('dbName.`dotted.tableName`', '2021-04-21 06:45:46' , '2021-05-21 12:00:00')
  • In addition to the data columns from the schema of the Delta table, change data feed contains metadata columns that identify the type of change event:
    • _change_type - String - insert, update_preimage , update_postimage, delete (1)
    • _commit_version - Long - The Delta log or table version containing the change.
    • _commit_timestamp - Timestamp - The timestamp associated when the commit was created.
  • Change data feed is not intended to serve as a permanent record of all changes to a table. Change data feed only records changes that occur after it’s enabled. If your use case requires maintaining a permanent history of all changes to a table, you should use incremental logic to write records from the change data feed to a new table. The following code example demonstrates using trigger.AvailableNow, which leverages the incremental processing of Structured Streaming but processes available data as a batch workload. You can schedule this workload asynchronously with your main processing pipelines to create a backup of change data feed for auditing purposes or full replayability.
  .option("readChangeFeed", "true")
  .option("checkpointLocation", <checkpoint-path>)


  • Databricks Jobs must have exactly one owner. OWNER privileges cannot be assigned to a group.
  • Databricks Notebook permissions: NO PERMISSIONS, CAN READ, CAN RUN, CAN EDIT, and CAN MANAGE.
  • You cannot manage permissions on secrets, only on secret scopes.
    • Note for Azure - Secret ACLs are at the scope level. If you use Azure Key Valut-backed scopes, users that are granted access to the scope have access to all secrets in the Azure Key Vault. To restrict access, use separate Azure Key Vault instances.
  • You cannot access a table with row filters or column masks from a dedicated resources on DBR 15.3 or below. You can use dedicated access mode on DBR 15.4 or above if your workspace is enabled for serverless compute. You might therefore be charged for serverless compute resources when you use dedicated compute to read dynamic views.
  • Databricks recommends using Unity Catalog for all new DLT pipelines. By default, materialized views and streaming tables created by pipelines configured with Unity Catalog can only be queried by the pipeline owner.
  • DLT pipelines process updates using the identity of the pipeline owner. Assign a new pipeline owner to change the identity used to run the pipeline. Pipeline updates can be run by any user or service principal with CAN RUN, CAN MANAGE, or IS OWNER permissions.
  • By default, only the DLT pipeline owner and workspace admins can view the driver logs from the cluster that runs a Unity Catalog-enabled pipeline. You can enable access to the driver logs for any user with CAN MANAGE, CAN VIEW, or CAN RUN permissions by adding the following Spark configuration parameter to the configuration object in the pipeline settings:
  "configuration": {
    "spark.databricks.acl.needAdminPermissionToViewLogs": "false"

Delta Live Tables

  • You cannot use Delta Sharing to share materialized views and streaming tables created by a DLT pipeline.
  • Materialized views and streaming tables published from a DLT pipeline, including those created by Databricks SQL can be accessed only by Databricks clients and applications. However, to make them accessible externally, you can use the DLT sink API to write to tables in an external Delta instance.
  • Auto Loader supports two modes for detecting new files: directory listing and file notification.
    • In directory listing mode, Auto Loader identifies new files by listing the input directory. Directory listing mode allows you to quickly start Auto Loader streams without any permission configurations other than access to your data on cloud storage.
    • File notification mode leverages file notification and queue services in your cloud infrastructure account. Auto Loader can automatically set up a notification service and queue service that subscribe to file events from the input directory.
  • Expectations are optional clauses in pipeline materialized view, streaming table, or view creation statements that apply data quality checks on each record passing through a query. Expectations use standard SQL Boolean statements to specify constraints. You can combine multiple expectations for a single dataset and set expectations across all dataset declarations in a pipeline.
@dlt.expect("valid_customer_age", "age BETWEEN 0 AND 120")
def customers():
  return spark.readStream.table("datasets.samples.raw_customers")
  • The constraint clause is a SQL conditional statement that must evaluate to true or false for each record. The constraint contains the actual logic for what is being validated. When a record fails this condition, the expectation is triggered.
# Simple constraint
@dlt.expect("non_negative_price", "price >= 0")

# SQL functions
@dlt.expect("valid_date", "year(transaction_date) >= 2020")

# CASE statements
@dlt.expect("valid_order_status", """
     ELSE false

# Multiple constraints
@dlt.expect("non_negative_price", "price >= 0")
@dlt.expect("valid_purchase_date", "date <= current_date()")

# Complex business logic
  """start_date <= end_date
    AND end_date <= current_date()
    AND start_date >= '2020-01-01'"""

# Complex boolean logic
@dlt.expect("valid_order_state", """
   (status = 'ACTIVE' AND balance > 0)
   OR (status = 'PENDING' AND created_date > current_date() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS)
  • Actions on invalid record:
    • WARN - default - Invalid records are written to the target. The count of valid and invalid records is logged alongside other dataset metrics.
    • DROP - Invalid records are dropped before data is written to the target. The count of dropped records is logged alongside other dataset metrics.
    • FAIL - Invalid records prevent the update from succeeding. Manual intervention is required before reprocessing. This expectation causes a failure of a single flow and does not cause other flows in your pipeline to fail.
  • DLT simplifies change data capture (CDC) with the APPLY CHANGES and APPLY CHANGES FROM SNAPSHOT APIs. The interface you use depends on the source of change data:


  • If you stop a job run in the middle of execution, any actions that have already been committed to Delta tables will persist. However, any uncommitted changes made by the job will be rolled back.
  • Difference between %sh pip and %pip:
    • %sh pip just executes the pip command on the local driver machine. By itself, this does not establish a virtual environment, so other users of the cluster could observe the installed package.
    • %pip uses the same syntax to install package but the command actually runs to install the same package across all nodes in the cluster. It sets up a virtual environment specific to each notebook execution to isolate the package installation from other jobs and users.
  • You can export the logs for your job run. Set up your job to automatically deliver logs to S3 while configuring job compute, or through the Job API.
  • Cluster Event Log provides detailed information about various events affecting the cluster throughout its lifecycle, including cluster creation, restarts, termination, and resizing events. It displays the timestamp, event type e.g. CLUSTER_RESIZED, and relevant details for each event, allowing the admins to review the timeline for cluster scaling behavior.
  • The maximum concurrent runs for all new jobs is 1. Databricks skips the run if the job has already reached its maximum number of active runs when attempting to start a new run. Set concurrency > 1 to allow multiple concurrent runs of the same job.
  • To prevent runs of a job from being skipped because of concurrency limits, you can enable queueing for the job. When queueing is enabled, the run is queued for up to 48h if resources are unavailable for a job run. Queued runs are displayed in the runs list of the job. Queueing is a job-level property that queues runs only for that job.
  • mlflow.pyfunc.spark_udf - a Spark UDF that can be used to invoke the Python function formatted model. Parameters passed to the UDF are forwarded to the model as a DataFrame where the column names are ordinals (0, 1, …).
  • Create a new column based on function return value - for example model UDF pyfunc: df.select("<column>", ..., predict_udf(*column_list).alias("prediction"))


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