33 minute read

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In this blog post, I’m excited to introduce pytransflow, a Python library that I created for fun in my spare time.

This project acts as a Proof of Concept, focused on improving my approach to library design and architectural thinking. I’ve worked on it on and off; the first version of this library was about six months ago. After revisiting and rewriting most parts, I’ve now wrapped it up and feel it’s largely ready, at least for showcasing. Of course, there’s plenty of room for improvement, and I invite anyone interested to join and contribute to this project.

You can find the pytransflow’s source code in my GitHub repository: pytransflow.

I encourage you to experiment with it, propose enhancements, and contribute to its development. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated!


I want to express my gratitude to Bas Van Kortenhof for sparking the idea that led to this personal project. His work had a significant impact on both my own work and the direction of my ideas in general, including this project. Working alongside Bas was a rewarding experience, and I learned a great deal from our collaboration.

I’d also like to thank my colleagues for our discussions on potential features and their practicality within the library. The interchange of ideas and feedback played a significant role in shaping the direction and functionality of the features I implemented.


pytransflow is a simple and lightweight library for record-level processing using flows of transformations defined as YAML files.

It provides simplicity in defining and configuring flows, schema validation, managing various errors that may occur in the processing pipeline, and handling failed records. Its design allows extensive customization for different use cases, including custom transformations, error management, evaluation functions, and more.

Some of the features pytransflow provides include:

  • Define processing flows using YAML files
  • Use all kinds of flow configurations to fine-tune the flow
  • Leverage pydantic ‘s features for data validation
  • Apply transformations only if defined condition is met
  • Build your own library of transformations
  • Use multiple input and output datasets
  • Ignore specific errors during processing
  • Set conditions for output datasets
  • Track failed records
  • Define flow fail scenarios
  • Process records in parallel
  • Use flow level variables etc.

Getting Started

Simple Flow

After installing pytransflow, create the flows directory in the root of your project, in it create a file test_flow.yaml:

Note: You can also use .yml, both are supported.

description: Simple Flow
  - add_field:
      name: new_field
      value: [1, 2, 3]

Then create a python script in the root folder:

from pytransflow.core import Flow

records = [{"a": 1}]
flow = Flow("test_flow")

print(f"Result: {flow.datasets}")
print(f"Failed Records: {flow.failed_records}")

Note: Flow parameter test_flow matches the filename of .yaml

The output is:

Result: {'default': [{'a': 1, 'new_field': [1, 2, 3]}]}
Failed Records: []

Path Separator

Path separator defines how nested fields are defined and accessed. The default path separator is /.

If we use the previous example, but use nested name for add_field

  - add_field:
      name: b/c/d
      value: [1, 2, 3]

You’ll get

Result: {'default': [{'a': 1, 'b': {'c': {'d': [1, 2, 3]}}}]}

Default path separator value can be easily changed in the global configuration file - Please see Global Configuration, or defined for a specific flow using path_separator configuration.

For example

path_separator: ","
  - add_field:
      name: b,c,d
      value: [1, 2, 3]

Give the same result as previous example

Result: {'default': [{'a': 1, 'b': {'c': {'d': [1, 2, 3]}}}]}


Conditions can be applied on two levels:

  • Transformation - All transformations can have a condition parameter. This condition is evaluated before the transformation is executed. If condition is met, the transformation will be applied, if condition is not met, the whole record will be skipped and included in the output_datasets.
  • Output Dataset - Transformation output_datasets can contain a condition. If condition is met, the record will be included in the output dataset, if not it will be skipped. This is evaluated after the transformation is applied, not before. For more information, please see Datasets - Using Conditions

The following two sections showcase how we can apply a condition on transformation level.


Let’s look at the following example:

  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: 1
      condition: "@a == 'A'"

The character @ is used to define a record field.

Note: pytransflow also allows defining variables on a flow level, which can be used in conditions using !:. For more information, please see Flow Variables

Here, we are setting a condition that field a in record has to have a value equal to A. If that’s the case, the record will be processed, otherwise the record will be skipped

records = [
  {"a": "A"},
  {"a": "a"},
flow = Flow("<filename>")

The output dataset is:

{'default': [{'a': 'A', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'a'}]}

As we can see, only the first record is processed, the second is skipped because the condition for processing is not met.


Condition expression can be extended to use nested field and evaluation functions.

For example:

  - add_field:
      name: b/e/f
      value: 1
      condition: "int(@a/b/c) * 2 == @d/e"

Using the following input record

records = [{"a": {"b": {"c": "2"}}, "d": {"e": 4}}]
flow = Flow("<filename>")

We get the resulting dataset

  'default': [
      'a': {'b': {'c': '2'}},
      'd': {'e': 4},
      'b': {'e': {'f': 1}}

Since the condition is met, the field b/e/f is added, as we can see in the resulting dataset.

pytransflow supports creating custom evaluation function, which you can use in all condition parameters. Please see Custom-Evaluation for more information on how to achieve that.


Simple Case

Dataset is a collection of records and each transformation has input_datasets and output_datasets parameters:

  • input_datasets - list of dataset names from which the records will be extracted for processing.
  • output_datasets - list of dataset names, along with optional conditions, to which we will direct processed records as output.

Default behavior:

  • If input_datasets is not specified it will default to ["default"]. This name can be configured check Global Configuration
  • If output_datasets is not specified it will be the same as input_datasets

Let’s look at an example of 3 transformations and 4 datasets:

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: test
        - dataset-1
  - prefix:
      field: a
      value: pre_
        - dataset-1
        - dataset-2
  - postfix:
      field: a
      value: _post
        - dataset-2
        - dataset-3
        - dataset-4

Running this flow with an empty record

records = [{}]
flow = Flow("<filename>")

Gives the following result

{'dataset-3': [{'a': 'pre_test_post'}],
 'dataset-4': [{'a': 'pre_test_post'}]}

Using Conditions

Additionally, output_datasets can contain a condition, which can be defined in two ways.

Using <dataset-name>: <condition> pattern:

- postfix:
    field: a
    value: b
      - dataset: "@a == 2"

Or name, condition dictionary:

- postfix:
    field: a
    value: b
      - name: dataset
        condition: "@a == 2"

Extending the previous example by adding condition to the last dataset:

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: test
        - dataset-1
  - prefix:
      field: a
      value: pre_
        - dataset-1
        - dataset-2
  - postfix:
      field: a
      value: _post
        - dataset-2
        - dataset-3
        - dataset-4: "@b == '1'"

Since there is no field b in the record, this condition will fail and final dataset includes only dataset-3.

{'dataset-3': [{'a': 'pre_test_post'}]}

Failed Records

If some error happens during the processing, the flow won’t immediately fail.

Note: This can be changed by setting instant_fail: True. For more information see: Instant Fail

The records that failed during processing are stored in the failed records dataset, which can be accessed on a Flow instance after processing.

from pytransflow.core import Flow

records = [{"a": 1}]
flow = Flow("test_flow")

print(f"Failed Records: {flow.failed_records}")

Failed record contains information about the initial record, the failed record, transformation that failed, and the error that was raised.

Note: There is a difference between initial record and failed record, for more information please see How It Works

This is especially useful for debugging but also for redirecting failed records during actual processing.

If the error is ignored using ignore_errors, the record won’t end up as a failed record, even thought the error occurred. Ignore errors configuration is primarily used to handle errors that are expected and can be safely ignored, these errors won’t impact the processing, since the record will remain unprocessed and redirected to output datasets.

Ignore Errors

Ignore errors configuration is a way to handle errors that are expected and can be safely ignored. These errors won’t impact the processing i.e. the flow won’t fail. The ignore_errors is set on a transformation level, if the transformation encounters the ignored error during the processing, the result will be

  • Initial record - No processing will occur and transformation just returns initial record
  • Processed record - Error is ignored, but the record is processed either way. For example, if transformation wants to store a value in field x but that field already exists it will raise OutputFieldAlreadyExists exception. However, if it’s ignored, the output field will be overwritten and the end result is a processed record, not the initial record.

Let’s illustrate that using the following examples.

Output Already Exists

  - add_field:
      name: class
      value: 1

If we have an initial record {"class": "a"}, this flow will result in

Result: {}
Failed Records: [
    error=OutputAlreadyExistsException(Output field 'class' already exists))], 
    'record': {'class': 'a'},

However, when we add ignore_errors for OutputAlreadyExistsException

  - add_field:
      name: class
      value: 1
        - output_already_exists

we get

Result: {'default': [{'class': 1}]}
Failed Records: []

Output Dataset

The next example showcases that ignoring an error returns initial record that’s redirected to an output dataset for further processing.

  - add_field:
      name: class
      value: 1
        - added
        - output_already_exists
  - prefix:
      field: class
      value: pre_
        - field_wrong_type
        - added
        - prefix

As in previous example, we are ignoring output_already_exists and overwriting the field, this transformed record is then routed to added dataset, which is used for prefix transformation. Since the record will be {"class": 1} i.e. it’s value is int the prefix should fail but we are ignoring field_wrong_type, and the end result is

Result: {'prefix': [{'class': 1}]}
Failed Records: []

Notice that the end result dataset is prefix, which is the output of prefix.

Schema Validation

pytransflow allows users to validate a record schema by utilizing validate transformation which takes one argument, schema_name.

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: b
  - validate:
      schema_name: test.TestSchema

The input format for schema_name is <name_of_the_file>.<name_of_the_schema_class>.

The file is stored under SCHEMA_PATH which can be defined in pyproject.toml or .pytransflowrc, but defaults to <project root>/schemas.

For more information about configuring SCHEMA_PATH, please see Global Configuration

Schema must inherit from pydantic’s BaseModel. This allows user to leverage all advanced features that pydantic offers, and can be highly customizable to suit any particular needs.

Schema is imposed on a record, meaning, unnecessary fields will be removed, field types will be cast, and schema validated.

Example of a schema

# test.py
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional

class TestSchema(BaseModel):
    """Example schema"""

    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    middle_name: Optional[str]
    birth_year: Optional[int]

Since the filename is test.py, and class TestSchema, we will use it as test.TestSchema in validate transformation.

Flow Configuration

pytransflow allows flow level configuration, these parameters will influence how the flow is executed and how the flow handles different fail scenarios.

The following sections showcase available flow configuration.

Instant Fail

Parameter instant_fail is optional, defaults to False. If set to True, the flow will throw pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowInstantFailException exception if any failure is noticed in the pipeline during the processing. Essentially, it won’t allow failed records.

For example, the following flow is using the instant_fail: False

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

If this flow is executed with input records = [{"b": "1"}, {"a": "2"}]. We get the following resulting dataset

Result: {'default': [{'a': 1}]}
Failed Records: [{'failed_records': [FailedRecord(record={'a': '2'}, ...)], ...}]

Record {"a": 1} failed because the transformation add_field is trying to add a field that already exists. However, that didn’t stop the flow from moving to the next record and storing the failed one in failed_records.

On the other hand, if we instant_fail: True

instant_fail: True
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

And run it again, we will get the following traceback

pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowPipelineInstantFailException: Flow Pipeline
raised the instant fail in the flow caused by the error:
OutputAlreadyExistsException(Output field 'a' already exists)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowInstantFailException: Flow raised instant fail exception

Fail Scenarios

pytransflow keeps flow statistics during the execution of a flow. Fail scenarios define cases when we want to intentionally fail a flow based on some metric.

The following sections describe some fail scenarios.

Percentage of Failed Records

  percentage_of_failed_records: 50
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

This example defines a threshold of 50 percent for failed records. If the actual percentage is greater or equal to this value, the flow will fail by raising FlowFailScenarioException exception.

For example, using the above flow and the following records:

records = [{"b": "1"}, {"a": "2"}, {"a": 3}]

Will raise the following exception:

Flow Fail Scenario 'percentage_of_failed_records': Threshold defined as 50, got 67

As expected, 2 of 3 records fail which results in surpassing the threshold.

Number of Failed Records

Same as the previous example, but instead of percentage we are defining the rule for number of failed records.

  number_of_failed_records: 2
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

In this example, if the number of failed records is equal or greater than 2, the flow will fail, raising the FlowFailScenarioException exception.

Running this flow using the following records

records = [{"b": "1"}, {"a": "2"}, {"a": 3}]

will raise the following exception

pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowFailScenarioException: Flow Fail Scenario
'number_of_failed_records': Threshold defined as 2, got 2

Datasets Present

This flow failure scenario is checking if a dataset is present in the final dataset result. If it’s present, it will raise the error. The configuration parameter takes a list of strings, which represent dataset names.

  datasets_present: ["a"]
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1
      output_datasets: ["a"]

Running this flow with an empty record will raise the following exception

pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowFailScenarioException: Flow Fail Scenario
'datasets_present': Dataset 'a' is present

Datasets Not Present

  datasets_not_present: ["a"]
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

Running this flow with an empty record will raise the following exception

pytransflow.exceptions.flow.FlowFailScenarioException: Flow Fail Scenario
'datasets_not_present': Dataset 'a' is not present


pytransflow supports running flows in multiprocessing mode i.e. in parallel. This is achieved by creating multiple processes where each process is running a single flow pipeline and works on a batch of records. For more information on how it works, please see How it Works.

Enabling parallelization is done via parallel parameter, which defaults to False.

parallel: True
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

Additional options include:

  • batch - Batch size i.e. number of records in a batch. If not specified, size of a batch will be equal to number of input records divided by number of available cores.
  • cores - Number of cores, if not specified it will take the number of available cores in the system.

For example:

parallel: True
batch: 20
cores: 4
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

Flow Variables

Defining variables on a flow level is supported. These variables can be used in any transformation, particularly in condition expressions. The idea is to define a value at the beginning of the flow and just reference it where you need it, using !: pattern.

  d: "A"
  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: 1
      condition: "@a == !:d"

Running this flow with the following input records:

records = [{"a": "A"}]


Result: {'default': [{'a': 'A', 'b': 1}]}

However, changing it to {"a": "<something-else>"}, gives

Result: {'default': [{'a': 'a'}]}

In other words, condition for transforming the record is not met.

Note: Flow variables can be created, deleted, or modified from a transformation, if you ever wish to do so. This allows you to dynamically set flow variables. To do so, you’ll have to create a custom transformation, since this is not done in built-in transformations. Please see Custom Transformations and Flow Variables for more details.

How It Works


pytransflow is a simple library for record-level processing using flows of transformations defined as YAML files.

This section describes the bigger picture and how things are connected within pytransflow. For hands on and some examples, please see Getting Started

pytransflow has the following main components

  • Flow - Main object that is responsible for initiating everything that is required for record processing. Initiating a Flow is an entry point to using pytransflow. Method process starts the processing of input records. Conceptually, Flow is a collection of Transformation objects, but it also covers high level concepts such are FlowVariable, FlowPipeline, FlowFailScenario etc.
  • Transformation - Contains logic for processing a record. It can act on a single field, multiple fields, nested fields, interact with external services, transform fields in-place or output them to different fields. Transformations are executed sequentially within a FlowPipeline, more on that later.
  • Record - Record is an object that stores key-value pairs, like dictionary. It’s the main unit of data storage and is used to carry data through FlowPipeline while transformations act on it. There is also a concept of FailedRecord, which stores information about the Record that failed to be processed, transformation that failed, and error message
  • Analyzer - Before a transformation is executed on a Record, we perform some checks and analysis if transformation can be applied. This includes confirming that the transformation requirements are satisfied i.e. required fields are present in the record, transformation condition expression is satisfied, output fields are not present or can be overwritten etc.
  • Controller - Interacts with Analyzer and Transformation. It handles when something fails during the processing of a record and returns a FailedRecord.

The following diagram depicts a simple overview of pytransflow structure

Simple Overview

The flow configuration is defined in a YAML file, and it has the following structure

flow_param_1: a
flow_param_2: b
        param_1: a
        param_2: b
        param_1: c
        param_2: d

Loading of these YAML files can be illustrated in the following fashion

Flow Configuration

Looking at the diagram, we can see multiple concepts related to flow configuration

  • FlowConfigurationLoader - Finds and parses the flow configuration YAML file
  • FlowConfigurationSchema - Configuration schema that is validated before setting Flow configuration
  • FlowConfiguration - Main class that holds configuration for a flow. During its initialization, it also resolves transformation configuration using TransformationCatalogue.
  • TransformationCatalogue - Holds mappings of transformation names to its Transformation configuration schema and transformation implementation
  • FlowVariables - Variables that are defined on a flow level and can be used through the flow
  • FlowFailScenario - Scenario when we want to fail a flow, for example, number of failed records is greater than some threshold
  • FlowStatistics - Holds information about what happened during the processing
  • FlowPipeline - Implements a concept of a pipeline. Input records are submitted to the pipeline, one by one and FlowPipelineResult is returned. Pipelines can act differently depending on how the flow is configured. Transformations are applied to a record and in case something fails, pipeline will return a FailedRecord, if instant_fail is enabled the whole flow will fail.



All transformations have condition parameter allowing execution of transformations only if the condition is met. If condition is not met, the unprocessed record will be routed to output datasets.

  - transformation:
      condition: @a/b/c == 'B'

Here we are testing if {"a": {"b": {"c": "B", ...}, ...}, ...} is true.

Conditional expression can use record fields, prefixed by @, and flow variables, prefixed by !:, see Flow Variables.

Evaluation of condition expressions is done using simpleeval library. It can be extended with custom function using SimpleEval provided in pytransflow, for more information please see Custom Evaluation.

These conditions can be also applied for output datasets, if condition is met, record will be routed.

Input/Output Datasets

Transformations get records from one or multiple input datasets, likewise the processed records will be routed to one or multiple output datasets.

  - transformation:
        - a
        - b
        - c
        - d

This configuration looks like this

Input Output Datasets

All processed records are routed to output datasets c and d. However, we can control which record goes where using a conditional routing. There are two ways to specify conditional route:

  - <dataset-name>: <condition>


  - name: <dataset>
    condition: <condition>

For each record, the condition will be evaluated for all output datasets and routed to those where the condition is met. If condition is not specified, it will be always routed.

Ignore Errors

Ignore errors logic allows you to safely handle errors that happened during processing. These errors are expected and can be disregarded. There are two kinds of ignore errors:

  • Returns unprocessed record - Error that happened means that we cannot process a record and we just return input record
  • Returns processed record - Error that happened was ignored and we can continue with transforming the record. For example, if output field already exists in the record, this should throw an error say that transformation cannot output its value since the field is already there. Ignoring it would be that we can safely overwrite the field, which returns a processed record

Ignore errors can be specified for all transformations

  - transformation:
        - output_already_exists
        - field_wrong_type
        - custom_exception

If error happens but the error is not ignored, it will be routed to failed records. Additionally if instant_fail is enable, it will fail the whole flow immediately.

Besides creating custom transformation, users can also add custom exceptions, for more information on that, please see Custom Exception.


Flow Configuration

Flow configuration is defined using YAML files. This configuration is then parsed in FlowConfigurationLoader instance and an instance of FlowConfiguration is created. FlowSchema defines the schema of flow configuration and what kinds of parameters we can use, for example

  • description - Description of the flow
  • path_separator - Sets field path separator for all transformations in the flow. This path separator will be used to access nested record fields.
  • instant_fail - Stops the whole flow if a single transformation fails
  • transformations - List of transformations that will be applied on each record
  • variables - Defines flow level variables that can be used in any transformation during the processing
  • fail_scenarios - Defines in which scenarios we want to fail the flow after processing. For example, when the percentage of failed records is above some threshold.
  • parallel - If enabled, the flow execution will be done using multiprocessing, each process will run its own pipeline, and the data will be joined at the end to produce as single dataset result. Defaults to False, i.e. single process
  • cores - Number of cores which will be used to execute a Flow in multiprocessing mode
  • batch - Batch size i.e. number of records that will be processed in a single process when the multiprocessing mode is enabled

and many more, check pytransflow.core.flow.schema.FlowSchema for more information.

Let’s use the following flow configuration for illustration purposes

parallel: True
batch: 2
cores: 2
path_separator: ","
  percentage_of_failed_records: 50
  number_of_failed_records: 4
    - l
    - x
  a: B
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: b
  - prefix:
      field: a
      output: a
      value: test
      condition: "@b,c == !:a"
        - output_already_exists
        - k
  - add_field:
      name: test/a/b
      value: { "a": "b" }
        - k
        - x
        - z

If you run this flow with input record {"b": {"c": "B"}}, you’ll get the following dataset

{'x': [{'b': {'c': 'B'}, 'a': 'testb', 'test/a/b': {'a': 'b'}}],
 'z': [{'b': {'c': 'B'}, 'a': 'testb', 'test/a/b': {'a': 'b'}}]}

If you are not sure how to run this flow, please see Getting Started for more information and guidance on how to run pytransflow

Transformation Configuration

If you check FlowSchema, you’ll see that transformations parameter is defined as transformations: List[Dict[str, Any]]. Meaning, flow configuration is not imposing any configuration for transformations. However, during the initialization of FlowConfiguration, this list of dictionaries will be resolved to actual Transformation classes using the key which corresponds to transformation name in TransformationCatalogue.

TransformationCatalogue is a mapping of <transformation-name> to its Transformation and TransformationSchema classes. TransformationSchema is used for configuration validation, while Transformation defines actual transformation logic implementation. In other words, while parsing and instantiating FlowConfiguration, each dictionary in transformations parameter will be fetched from TransformationCatalogue and validated based on key value i.e. <transformation-name>.

This logic allows users to define custom transformations by adding new entries to TransformationCatalogue before instantiating a Flow. For more details, please see Custom-Transformations.

All transformation schemas inherit from TransformationSchema, which has the following parameters

  • input_datasets - Since transformations can have records from multiple input datasets. This arguments specifies the list of input datasets which records will be processed.
  • output_datasets - List of output datasets where the processed records will be routed
  • ignore_errors - List of ignore failures that will be ignored if transformation encounters them during the processing
  • condition - Defines a condition for applying a transformation. If condition is met the transformation will be applied, otherwise it will be skipped
  • required_in_record - This parameter is used to specify the fields that are required in the record. These fields are then checked by the Analyzer before the transformation is applied. Users should never set this parameter explicitly, it will be set dynamically based on transformation schema.
  • output_fields - This parameter is used to specify the output fields. The presence of these fields will be checked by the Analyzer and the OutputAlreadyExistsException will be thrown if not ignored. Users should never specify this parameter explicitly, it will be set dynamically based on transformation schema.

This means that all transformations will have input_datasets, output_datasets, ignore_errors, and condition parameters by default. Allowing users to deal only with implementation logic.

Let’s use PostfixTransformationSchema for illustration purposes

from typing import Optional
from typing_extensions import Self
from pydantic import Field, model_validator
from pytransflow.core.transformation import TransformationSchema

class PostfixTransformationSchema(TransformationSchema):
    """Implements Postfix Transformation Schema"""

    field: str = Field(
        title="Input Field",
        description="Input field where the data to be processed is stored",
        json_schema_extra={"required_in_record": True},
    value: str = Field(
        description="Defines prefix value",
    keep_original: bool = Field(
        title="Keep Original",
        description="If True the original field will be kept, otherwise it will be deleted",
    output: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Output field",
        description="Output field where the processed data will be stored",
        json_schema_extra={"output_field": True},

    def configure(self) -> Self:
        """Configures Postfix Transformation Schema"""
        if self.output is None:
            self.output = self.field
        return self

Besides adding new parameters to transformation schema like field, value, keep_original, output, users can use model_validator(mode="after") to fine tune the logic and dynamically set fields.

Additionally, json_schema_extra is used to specify output_field and required_in_record for certain fields. This is later used in Analyzer before the transformation is executed. For example, if field has json_schema_extra={"required_in_record": True}, it’s value will be required in the record before transformation is executed.

These functionalities come from pydantic, which pytransflow utilizes to enable straightforward usage and smooth integration with its operational logic.

Global Configuration

Global configuration parameters define variables that are used through the pytransflow’s codebase. For example, $FLOWS_PATH defines where the flows are stored, it can be either absolute path or relative.

All parameters have default values, which users can change using pyproject.toml or .pytransflowrc.

During the loading of pytransflow library and initialization of Flow object, pytransflow will trigger TransflowConfigurationLoader. This class will search for pyproject.toml or .pytransflowrc and load the configuration if it’s present. pyproject.toml has precedence over .pytransflowrc.

Once the configuration files are loaded, it will create TransflowConfiguration singleton, which is used through the code.

Check Global Configuration page for more information about the parameters and how to set them.


Instant Fail

If we don’t want to deal with failed records we can enable instant fail logic

instant_fail: True

Enabling it will cause the flow to fail immediately when a single failed record is recorded. This is useful when don’t expect errors or failed records in a pipeline. Since it fails immediately, it will stop further unnecessary processing and notify errors straight away.

Flow Variables

Flows can have variables which are available to all transformation in a flow. They can be set in a flow configuration

  a: B

or directly from a transformation’s transform method.


Note: This should be used with caution, especially when parallelization is enabled, since it can introduce unexpected results.

These variables can be used in condition expressions using !: prefix

  d: "A"
  - transformation:
      condition: "@a == !:d"

Flow Fail Scenario

We can define scenarios when we want a flow to fail. These scenarios are related to the end state of processing. For example, we can define a scenario where we want to fail a flow if number of failed records is greater than some threshold.

These scenarios are evaluated against the end state and using FlowStatistics. This class is meant to gather and process statistics related to a flow, for example, percentage of failed records. Then we can easily create a scenario where we don’t want to have a successful flow if % of failed records is above some threshold.

For example

  percentage_of_failed_records: 50
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1

For more information and available flow fail scenarios, please see Flow Fail Scenarios.

Schema Validation

Schemas should be defined under $SCHEMAS_PATH as python files. The schema class should inherit from pydantic’s BaseModel. pytransflow leverages pydantic’s advanced features for schema validation, which removes unnecessary fields and converts data types to align with the schema definition. If something fails, the record will not pass the validation and an exception will be raised.

Schemas are loaded when a validation transformation is called

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: b
  - validate:
      schema_name: test.TestSchema

schema_name is defined using <filename>.<class-name>.

Schema Validation


pytransflow can be run in parallel. Flow configuration takes the following parameters that will enable the parallelization

parallel: True
batch: 2
cores: 2
  - transformation:

batch and cores are optional. If not set, cores will default to available cores on a machine using os.cpu_count(). Number of batches, defines how many records we want to send to each core. If not defined, it will default to len(input_records) / cores.

Each core will run its own FlowPipeline and process records from a single batch, after gathering processed and failed records, we join results from multiple pipelines and produce a single result Dataset.


Global Configuration

pytransflow has several options that can be configured on a global level.

  • PATH_SEPARATOR - Configures a value that will be used for nested paths. Defaults to /. Flow configuration path_separator parameter will override it only for that flow
  • SCHEMAS_PATH - Path of the folder where schemas are defined. Defaults to ./schemas. Can be configured as relative or absolute path.
  • FLOWS_PATH - Path of the folder where flows are defined. Defaults to ./flows. Can be configured as relative or absolute path.
  • DEFAULT_DATASET_NAME - Name of the initial default dataset. Defaults to default.

Note: If path_separator is defined in a flow configuration file, it will override the global configuration for that flow only

You can use .pytransflowrc file in the root of the project or add the following section to the pyproject.toml


You can create .pytranflowrc file in the root of your project and define global configurations that will be applied to the whole pytransflow library


schemas_path = custom_schemas
flows_path = custom_flows
path_separator = ,
default_dataset_name = inital-dataset


For example:

schemas_path = "/home/user/projects/test-pytransflow/custom_schemas"
flows_path= "/home/user/projects/test-pytransflow/custom_flows"
path_separator= ","

Custom Transformations

pytransflow comes with a plethora of predefined and highly customizable transformations, for example:

  • add_field - Adds a field to the record
  • validate - Validates and imposes a schema on a record
  • prefix - Adds a prefix to the field’s value
  • postfix - Adds a postfix to the field’s value
  • regex_extract - Extracts a string using regex pattern
  • remove_fields - Removes one or multiple fields from the record
  • And many more…

However, you can also define your own transformations by following the blueprint for creating transformations and including them in the TransformationCatalogue.

TransformationCatalogue contains mappings of transformation names to their definition class Transformation and transformation schema class TransformationSchema.

To include a new transformation to the TransformationCatalogue, use the following

from pytransflow.core import TransformationCatalogue


The <name> defines the name that will be used in the YAML configuration files to identify the transformation. Transformation is the implementation of the transformation, it has to implement transform method which operates on a record. TransformationSchema is the schema configuration of the transformation which will be used to parse the configuration from YAML files.

You can override built-in transformations by defining your own implementation and registering them under the same name in the TransformationCatalogue.


Let’s define a transformation that operates on a single field, capitalizing all characters if it’s a string; otherwise, it will raise the FieldWrongTypeException exception. Since this operation is the same as upper() we will call it Upper.

Let’s define UpperSchema, it has two arguments:

  • field - Name of the field which contains the value
  • output - Name of the field where we want to store the transformed value. If output is not specified, overwrite the field.

The UpperSchema has to inherit from TransformationSchema.

from typing import Optional
from typing_extensions import Self
from pydantic import Field, model_validator
from pytransflow.core import TransformationSchema

class UpperSchema(TransformationSchema):
    """Implements Upper Transformation Schema"""

    field: str = Field(
        description="Input field",
    output: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Output field",
        description="Output field where the processed data will be stored",

    def set_output(self) -> Self:
        if self.output is None:
            self.output = self.field
        return self


  • If the field is required in the record, use required_in_record=True inside Field. This will be used to check the existence of the field in a record before actual invocation of the transformation
  • If the field is output of the transformation, please use output_field=True. This will be used to check if output field already exists in the record and if it should be overwritten
  • If the output is the same as input field, we should add output_already_exists in ignore_errors, otherwise the transformation will always throw OutputAlreadyExistsException exception
  • Always call self.set_dynamic_fields() at the end of model_validator. This method parses fields and looks for additional arguments like required_in_record, output_field, etc, and sets required parameters.

The pydantic’s model_validator(mode="after") takes care of setting output if it’s not defined. Likewise, you can use any other pydantic feature to manipulate and define transformation schemas.

The actual transformation should take the original value, check its type, and transform it if the value is str, otherwise throw FieldWrongTypeException exception.

The Upper class has to inherit from pytransflow Transformation base class, and implement transform method.

from pytransflow.core import Transformation, Record,
from pytransflow.exceptions import FieldWrongTypeException

class Upper(Transformation):
    """Implements Upper transformation logic

    Upper Transformation transforms a record by applying `upper` function to a
    specified field value and output is to defined `output` field


    def transform(
        record: Record,
    ) -> Record:
        output_field = self.config.schema.output
        field = self.config.schema.field

        initial_value = record[field]

        if not isinstance(initial_value, str):
            raise FieldWrongTypeException(

        record[output_field] = initial_value.upper()

        return record

Now, we can register this transformation in TransformationCatalogue

from pytransflow.core import TransformationCatalogue


and use in a flow

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: lower
  - upper:
      field: a

Running this flow with an empty record, we get

Result: {'default': [{'a': 'LOWER'}]}

Custom Exception

Besides creating a custom transformation, you can also create custom exceptions that can be used in ignore_errors arguments.

Let’s say that you created a CustomTransformation transformation and you want to raise CustomException if something goes wrong. All you have to do is to inherit from TransformationBaseException and define name class attribute in order for pytransflow to handle the exception with all the features it provides.

from pytransflow.exceptions import TransformationBaseException

class CustomException(TransformationBaseException):

    name = "custom_exception"

    def __init__(self, error) -> None:
        super().__init__(f"Error: {error}")

Here, we are defining name which can be used in flow configuration:

  - custom_transformation:
      field: a
        - custom_exception

Custom Evaluation

Evaluation of conditions in pytransflow is done using simpleeval library. This library allows us to extend the list of available evaluation functions.


For example, we can define our custom() function and use it in condition expressions

from pytransflow.core import Flow, SimpleEval

def custom():


records = [...]    
flow = Flow(name="test")

and then use it in a transformation

  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: 1
      condition: "custom(@a/b/c) == 'A'"

Note: simpleeval comes with a built-in set of functions, if you define the same function name, the built-in function will be overridden in runtime

Next Steps

It would be nice to extend pytransflow with the following features

Transformation Snippet

Transformation snippet would allow templating and parameterization of a group of transformations. For example, let’s say that we are performing the same group of transformations multiple times just on different fields:

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: test
  - prefix:
      field: a
      value: pre_
  - postfix:
      field: a
      value: _post
  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: test
  - prefix:
      field: b
      value: pre_
  - postfix:
      field: b
      value: _post

It would be nice to have a feature to define a transformation snippet

  name: snippet_example
    - add_field:
        name: <field>
        value: <val_1>
    - prefix:
        field: <field>
        value: <val_2>
    - postfix:
        field: <field>
        value: <val_3>

and the use it in a flow

  - snippet:
      name: snippet_example
      field: a
      val_1: test
      val_2: pre_
      val_3: _post
  - snippet:
      name: snippet_example
      field: b
      val_1: test
      val_2: pre_
      val_3: _post

These snippets can be defined on a flow or project level:

  • Flow - Use snippet key in flow configuration. If the snippet is defined on a flow level, it will be available only in that flow.
  • Project - Allow importing of snippets from a SNIPPETS_PATH directory. These snippets will be available in all flows by default.

Custom Objects

Currently, pytransflow works only on dict records. Meaning, the input records are defined and used in the following fashion

records = [{"a": 1}, {...}, {...}, ...]
flow = Flow(name="<flow>")

It would be nice to extend this and allow completely custom objects as input records. This could be achieved by providing a custom class to pytransflow, and replacing the default dict behavior. However, this custom class has to implement required method in order to be used as Record.

For more information see pytransflow.core.record.record.Record class

Ignore Errors on a Flow Level

A nice to have feature would be to define ignore_errors on a flow level. These ignore errors will be applied to all transformation in the flow. This would improve the readability and simplicity of flow configurations.

Instead of

  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1
        - output_already_exists
  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: 2
        - output_already_exists
  - add_field:
      name: c
      value: 3
        - output_already_exists


  - output_already_exists
  - add_field:
      name: a
      value: 1
  - add_field:
      name: b
      value: 2
  - add_field:
      name: c
      value: 3


Because pytransflow defines a sequence of transformations that begin with an initial record and apply subsequent transformations sequentially, the underlying structure can be represented as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

This feature would give users a nice graph representation of the flow, how transformations are connected and how datasets are routed between them. Having this feature would greatly improve the readability, documenting, and debugging of large and complex flows.

Parsing of the flow and defining graph structure should be done within pytransflow, while the visualization should be done using some external third-party library.

Debug Mode

pytransflow would significantly enhance its functionality with an extensive debugging mode that preserves the history of records. This mode would function in the same fashion as a data lineage within the workflow. Whenever a Failed Record or a successfully processed record occurs, users would be able to examine its complete history, tracing all transformations back to the original record.

Maintaining this history and enabling record traceability in case of errors would greatly improve the readability, testability, and maintenance of complex workflows. Moreover, leveraging DAG parsing, as previously mentioned, could further extend this history to generate clear graphs and comprehensive diagrams illustrating the transformation of each record through the processing pipeline.


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